My daughter is in her 3rd year at Robin’s Nest, and I feel so fortunate that she has been able to spend so much time there. Robin’s Nest has encouraged and cultivated in her a genuine interest in nature, compassion for the people around her, and appreciation for our greater community. I can’t say enough good things about this school.
— Mary, Peterborough

I can’t imagine a more wonderful early learning environment for my daughter than one that values peace, kindness and love toward each other and the earth. Robin’s Nest teachers are loving, warm and kind, with an uncanny ability to be completely attentive while giving the children space to explore and learn on their own and with each other.
— Brianna, Dublin

My daughter loves the staff and all the kids that attend. Every time I pick her up from preschool she always tells me how much fun she had and what she has learned! Thank you so much Roz and staff – we love you guys!
— Brittney, Peterborough

We are learning so many life lessons as a family by participating at Robin’s Nest. Our awareness for each other and our planet is blossoming. Our son has worked through a very difficult transition and has come out on the other side emotionally stronger and confident. It is apparent that the staff loves what they do and especially loves the children.
— Amanda, Jaffrey

Robin’s Nest has let my child experience freedom, independence and time outdoors that I got to experience as a child. This is a gift that will effect her for the rest of her life.
— Lindsay, Hancock

Beyond being happy, thankful parents, we are inspired by the vision and leadership of Robin’s Nest. Robin’s Nest is a nature-based school, with a pedagogy responsive to each child, has a director that spreads awareness about ACE’s and has teachers approaching each day calmly and lovingly. Our daughter now sings endlessly and joyfully. She stops to examine the tiniest marvels of nature, and encourages those around her to join. Robin’s Nest is a treasure in this community and a bright light in our lives.
— Nora, Peterborough

The impact, creativity, knowledge and example are far beyond what any parent could hope for. The staff bring strong qualities to school and demonstrate many wonderful traits for our children to witness on a day-to-day basis. Robin’s Nest is made of patience, individuality and dedication to children and the community.
— Ryan, Hancock

“The Robin’s Nest community was instantly welcoming – both the staff, as well as the families. The connection and feeling of belonging really helped our family finally feel rooted in Peterborough.”
— Denise, Peterborough